Press Play To Start Countdown
Turn it up to 11
There will be some Youtube standard countdown music when the premiere is counting down, you don’t need to blast that muzak :) - but once it’s done, Surrender will start with a big ol’ pulse synth intro and then you turn it right up! Tag us at @royalcanoe on insta or #royalcanoe so we can enjoy it with you.
(Hi, you’re not too late if you haven’t signed up. Scroll down to sign up below and check the map to see if anyone near you is blasting today - also you don’t need to sign up to participate, the video will play for everyone here. )

Enter Your Address to commit to blasting our New Single at exactly 5:45pm on July 9th.
Read more about it below
— An Explanation —
The release of an album is always a special day for a band. It’s got that same hum about it as Christmas morning – and so often it culminates in a show where you and your community get to celebrate together in a sweaty mess of humanity. For the reasons we all know, that’s not going to happen for this record. So we started thinking about a work-around.
The record is called Sidelining. A lot of our plans got sidelined this year and just like the figure on their front porch from the album’s cover, we’ve all found ourselves waiting around, at least twelve feet from our neighbours, waiting to see when we can do things together again.
So we’re asking our fans (and anyone else who wants to try) to go out on their porch and at the very same time, blast our single Surrender on July 9th, the day the album comes out. If there’s not a porch available, a window will do just fine. Turn it up to 11, go outside, and at exactly 5:45pm CST - for 3 minutes and 53 seconds we’ll do this one thing together. We’ll connect and celebrate.
We’re asking people to go to and enter their address and to commit to playing the song. We’ll enter all those addresses (anonymously) on a map and then everyone can see where you might be able to bike down the street and hear the track from everywhere. People will get a link on the day the record comes out so that we can assure the track all plays at the same time. Connect your device and turn the speakers way up!